IWD 2021 - 18

"Women are more conscious and accepting about situations in life" Casie Millhouse, President of VR AR Association

It was my father who taught me to pursue my passion along with my career. He also instilled a sense of work ethic in me. In his 35 year long career, I have never witnessed my father take a day off. He always woke up at 5 a.m every day. Besides his day job, he removed time to do freelance and side gigs. Over the years, I formed a liking towards this routine. I had started gymnastics at the age of 2. I began competing in competitions by the age of 4 and by the age of 12, I was a junior olympian. During these years, I saw my coach more than I saw my parents.

I was working hard and learning to focus, set goals, and manage my time. This has been carried on throughout my adulthood. I have had a busy life since I was young. When I was 16, I was selected for a foreign exchange program. Since then, I have lived away from the home that I grew up in. It was hard for me to stay connected as I was always traveling.

Now I've got my children, who are the pillars of my strength for me. They have found inspiration from me to follow in every aspect of their life, whether it is fitness, work, or even health. We tried to bond outside their school and my work. We have our little family time every day, and they are my guiding star to walk through life.

Honestly, it was difficult for me to create boundaries during the pandemic as we had to work from home. We had to fix proper schedules between family time and work. It has been a lot easier lately since we can now come home and shut the work world. Creating a bond with your children at an early age by setting a proper schedule for them teaches them discipline in life.

I believe in finding happiness in the present. We all are bound to have our setbacks. One such setback for me was my medical discharge from the US military. It was a field I enjoyed working in and gave me opportunities to explore more avenues. There were some obvious disparities in the workplace, with the senior leadership role being taken up by men. But now, women are stepping up into leadership roles. I started to empower other women by starting SheWorx, a global community for female entrepreneurs. I would curate investors for them and organized breakfast events for about two years. I am happy to see that the ladies are doing great in their life.

If I was given a superpower for a day, I would like to time travel and change certain aspects that made society the way they are in terms of gender bias. Women are more conscious and accepting as they push others to do their best and bring change. This is what they wish for others to do for them as well.



SCIKEY, is a Digital platform for Jobs, Work & Talent Solutions. Our vision is to create jobs & work opportunities for billion minds. Our mission is to help employers worldwide get access to quality talent and talent solutions in a click.

'SCIKEY Assured,' a premium managed services offering by SCIKEY, delivers the best outcomes to enterprise customers globally for talent solutions getting delivered offshore, remotely, or on-premise. We are super-proud to be working with some of the world's most iconic Fortune1000 brands.


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