Learn What Code Signing Is and How It Works

We download software on our systems all the time. But with so many threats out there, how does one ensure what the users are downloading is authentic?

What is Code Signing?

Code signing is a handy way to avoid third parties trying to masquerade as an authentic software provider. It ensures that no malware is installed using the name of an authentic program.

How Does Code Signing work?

An attacker posing as an authentic software provider may plant malware on the victim's computer.

Luckily, modern operating systems are equipped to handle this situation, as they look for digital certificates made with code signing assigned to the software to check its legitimacy. When no digital signature is found on the software, the system notifies the user about it so that their systems are not compromised.

Know the importance of code signing and how it works for better security at Encryption Consulting's education centre.

Encryption Consulting

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