Closeup, an oral care brand of Unilever, has championed closeness over 50 years, and has always believed in the freedom to love.
Many couples are still denied the right to marry due to their relationships. These include couples of inter-racial, inter-caste, inter-faith and same-gender relationships, many of which are still unacceptable in the eyes of key institutions. Closeup will enter the metaverse this month and invite couples to break free from real-world constraints to celebrate their union in Decentraland, a 3D virtual world powered by blockchain technology.

Closeup Creates The World's First NFT Marriage Certificate, Which Recognises All Couples In A Relationship

Closeup Creates The World's First NFT Marriage Certificate, Which Recognises All Couples In A Relationship

Although getting close to someone you love is a universal instinct, it is not yet a universal right. ‘Closeup City Hall of Love’ is an immersive virtual experience where diverse couples can ‘mint’ their very own NFT marriage certificate and immortalise their love on the blockchain forever