Jobless or MindMatched

Data talks about new jobs created or jobless increase and modern youths joining the job market, with nearly always painting a grim picture of the future.

Job creation is almost always a hot topic for any government globally. Data talks about new jobs created or jobless increase and modern youths joining the job market, with nearly always painting a grim picture of the future. However, there is a fundamental flaw in which we have been taught to understand the definition of a job. This lack of understanding is probably more serious a matter than the joblessness in itself.

The definition of Job takes our focus to the organized sector that is ruled by corporates and government, but as large as 90% of the real jobs are happening in the unorganized sector. This data is never collected, and individuals, institutions and even our lawmakers refer to employment as a monthly salary 9 to 5 job that falls under the organized sector. Therefore when we talk about job creation, we only apply to that 10% of the organized sector jobs in India that is so visible, supported well by institutes and even the government while the remaining 90% of unorganized job is getting neglected resulting considerable number of youths leaving their unorganized self created opportunities to enter organized sector that is already strained.

It has been found that less than 5% of the farmers want their children to enter into the farming profession and less than 20% of the small shopkeepers wish their children to follow their footsteps. Each of them desires their children to study and work for probably some software company or work in a city and make more money. In such a case, 90% of the unorganized sector would rapidly deplete and stand in queue for 10% of the jobs that are already highly serviced creating a crisis again. On top of an already strained job market situation, automation is already taking away a lot of jobs that could have been done manually, putting a strain to 10% of the existing job market.

The way out of this potentially sticky job situation is the promotion of startups that can be used to strengthen the unorganized sector and help create more job opportunities in every industry. Thankfully, this is happening at a great pace that seems to be accelerating. It is high time, job seekers should be open for opportunities that such startups provide instead of looking for a safe option that is only an illusion in this rapidly automating corporate world.

The future of jobs does not like in knowing technology skills. Sooner or later that would get automated. The real opportunity lies with the people with a great attitude and behavioral skills that can never be automated and continue to remain ahead of any kind of automation. There have been several surveys that talk about less than 25% of Indian graduates actually employable. By employability, it primarily refers to the positive attitude that can help anyone learn, unlearn and relearn any skill needed. More than 70% of the global workforce in the organized sector are stressed and unhappy. While there is no such survey for unorganized sector, it will undoubtedly have a better ratio, just because the freedom and mental match of individuals to the work they do is far higher than an employed individual.

SCIKEY MindMatch developed by SCIKEY research team and tested over thousands of professionals have opened up an opportunity for better matching of jobs with people attitude. SCIKEY MindMatch helps to understand the human mind and map them to positions that would best suit them and is part of the SCIKEY Talent Commerce Platform that opens up tremendous job opportunities for millions of job seekers and an option for better mind matched candidates for corporates. SCIKEY MindMatch on the SCIKEY Talent Commerce platform can help individuals select and like their jobs better and help society to become a happier place.


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